Set Up Core Loop & Gameplay


Below, we walk your through the core elements of setting up your core loop and gameplay on MiniTon. Beginning with starting a match, reporting a score and eventually getting back to the MiniTon BOT. By the end of this article, you will have a complete core loop allowing you to fully test a standard MiniTon match.

Launching Your Gameplay

When MiniTon launches, it will take control of the user experience. The player will start a match and MiniTon will notify the game. At this point, control is given back to your game to start the match gameplay. The examples below illustrate how to handle starting a match.

You should have previously implemented the MiniTon Manager. The OnMatchWillBegin extra logic function specified in the MiniTonManager can be used to:

  1. Clear any previously stored match settings

  2. Retrieve the Match object and utilize it to set gameplay parameters

  3. Load your game scene, if you have specified a Game Scene in the MiniTon Manager.

// ...
    public void OnMatchWillBeginExtraLogic(Match matchInfo) {
        //Extra Logic Here
// ...

Completing Gameplay

Submit Score

To ensure that both asynchronous and synchronous gameplay proceeds optimally, the score for the match should be submitted immediately using SubmitScore when the match ends, regardless of any remaining player input necessary to reach the match results screen. The score submission should be handled in the background without any explicit action by the player necessary to proceed.

The SubmitScore method is expecting three values - a score as well as Success and Failure Callbacks.

You should report the final score from a script that controls your game scene

using MiniTon;
using UnityEngine;

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
    void SubmitScore() {
        MiniTonCrossPlatform.SubmitScore(GetScore(), Success, Failure);

    void Success() {
        //Return to the MiniTon

    void Failure(string reason) {
        Debug.LogWarning("Fail: " + reason);
        //Fallback score submission

Note on Progression

After submitting a score, you have the opportunity to present the player with a granular score breakdown and an opportunity to allow the player to view their game progression. Setup for this is detailed further in the Progression Overview.

Return To The MiniTon BOT

The ReturnToMiniTon method exits your gameplay scene and presents the MiniTon BOT. This must be called after the score has been successfully submitted with the SubmitScore method. After SubmitScore has been called, you can present users with high scores or progression systems to enhance the game experience before ultimately calling the ReturnToMiniTon method and loading the MiniTon BOT.

In all cases, it will return true or false, depending on whether or not it is able to return the user to MiniTon. For the case of a match in progress, unless a score has been submitted, this method will return false and the user will not be returned to MiniTon. If a score has been submitted, it returns true and returns the user to MiniTon.

The ReturnToMiniTon method provides flexibility on how to hand the end of the match behavior.

using MiniTon;
using UnityEngine;

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
    void SubmitScore() {
        MiniTonCrossPlatform.SubmitScore(GetScore(), Success, Failure);

    void Success() {

    void Failure(string reason) {
        Debug.LogWarning("Fail: " + reason);
        //Fallback score submission

Fallback Score Reporting

Please Note:

ReportFinalScore has been deprecated and replaced by the DisplayTournamentResultsWithScore method.

The primary method for reporting a score to MiniTon is through the methods defined above SubmitScore and ReturnToMiniTon. However, DisplayTournamentResultsWithScore should always be implemented as a fallback in the event that the SubmitScore method fails. This best practice ensures your user’s scores will never be lost. This method submits the player score, then immediately returns the user to the MiniTon.

Ensure that calling this method as fallback will prevent any pending/in-progress SubmitScore calls from triggering a new retry after the user returns to MiniTon. If you do not do this, the pending retry may execute in a new game and you could end up submitting a previous game’s score.

using MiniTon;
using UnityEngine;

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
    void SubmitScore() {
        MiniTonCrossPlatform.SubmitScore(GetScore(), Success, Failure);

    void Success() {

    void Failure(string reason) {
        Debug.LogWarning("Fail: " + reason);

Incomplete Matches

There are a couple ways to end a match prematurely. First, you can allow the user to quit the game and submit their current score, which gives them an opportunity to win with the score they have. Second, you can abort them from a match, which will result in a loss.Depending on your specific gameplay, you will need to determine which method works best for you.


Aborting a match is an alternative to reporting the final score. When a player aborts a match, they have forfeited it to the opponent.


Ending Replay

Many cash matches are recorded in order to allow players to view replays as well as allow MiniTon to monitor fair play. The SDK provides an option that will allow you to end the replay after successfully submitting scores before progressing. This prevents unnecessarily long replays when the players interact with other gameplay elements like Progression. If you choose not to manually end the replay, the replay will end when the game returns to the MiniTon.

You might want to consider supporting this feature in your game to allow users more control to conserve on resources i.e. battery, network etc.

If you invoke this method before calling SubmitScore a value of false will be returned. It is always recommended, to submit the player score as soon as the match gameplay ends, if possible.

bool success = MiniTonCrossPlatform.EndReplay();

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